Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So where is the nearest drag strip

So a cop buddy of mine and I were talking the other day about an issue that Austin has had for a while now. Illegal street racing is becoming more and more popular, to the point where it has got very out of hand and dangerous. Street racing has basically been around since people started finding a way to make cars faster than they were stock. This is how sports like drag racing. NASCAR, and motorcycle racing came about. A few smart people saw how popular these sports were and knew that if they made places to do it legally people would flock to it, and they were so right. Not only was it safer at the strips but it also brought money into the local governments. But because of people not wanting the loud race ways near there homes places to race legally and safely are now few and far between. So in turn more and more people have reverted to meeting together in one place then taking to the streets. Some of you that are reading this might be saying “ I’ve never seen this happen in Austin I cant be that big of an issue.” Well I can tell you there is illegal racing going on every night of the week unless its raining. Now you might be saying “what makes you such an expert” and the answer to that is, I‘ve been there and done it. I used to go to these things every night and on the big nights I’ve seen it easily reach over 400 cars. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that can get a little dangerous. So how dose this all tie into government? I think instead of sending more cops too break these things up, which means there is less cops protecting us, I think Austin should open up at least one if not two drag strips. I can tell you from experience that if these guys had a strip to go too they would go pay to race. The reason being these guys all have big egos, and like getting a time sheet saying exactly how fast there car is. Also being able to say without a doubt “haha I beat you fool.” There are strips in other central Texas cities and they bring in a great deal of money in, we need to cash in on this opportunity as well. All the people that really want to do this are driving to places like Dallas, and Houston. That’s money that could be coming into Austin, and we all know how we always need more money. Not to mention if we had a track it could be added to the NHRA (National hot rod association) circuit, and those guy bring in a mess tone of money where ever they go. Yes we would have to spend money to build these places but I know it would bring a great deal of money back in.