Monday, March 1, 2010

Lookin Skyward

The editorial staff of the Austin American Statesman has done a very good job of bringing up a sore subject which needs to be discussed. It is about the attack Andrew Joseph Stack lll committed way to close to all of our homes. More specifically the IRS building off of 183 and Capital of Texas. They did I great job of making people realize that its not just religious extremists’ that can do us harm. It can be anyone anywhere at any time. Before that day he was just an average guy, but that Thursday he showed that anyone could commit an act of terror. That why the title “Sense of terror that rattled Austin” is so spot on its not even funny. This article was meant for anyone who lives in the U.S. but especially for everyone in Austin. I cant really make an accurate opinion on the authors credibility because there is no clear author. But I can say that since there was more than one author there is most likely credibility behind this article. I agree with there line of thinking that this man was just terribly upset and did not know what to do. Then out of desperation lashed out at the entity he thought to be responsible. The author used excerpts from Stack’s rambling letters to help prove this. They also did a great a job of ending with a ray of hope by talking about how well our emergency personnel handled the situation. In my humble opinion the article is a job well done.

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